MANNA was founded in 1990 by seven members of the First Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia. This mission was to help comfort people dying of AIDS at a time when ignorance of AIDS and the stigma associated with the disease was at its height. Often shunned and isolated from family and friends, these people often found MANNA to be the only source of love and care they knew…as well as the only source of nourishment and nutritional support they needed during their time of medical crisis. MANNA meals helped sustain them during the often dark days and lonely nights that followed their diagnosis. In 1997, MANNA moved to a 10,000 square foot office and commercial kitchen space at 2323 Ranstead Street. In 2006, MANNA expanded its outreach to neighbors with other critical illnesses – cancer, renal and cardiac disease and diabetes. The facility was renovated in 2008 with a $1 million renovation grant from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, a $500,000 gift from business leader and philanthropist Steven Korman, and many other generous gifts from donors. Of the new nutrition center named in his honor, Korman says, “MANNA holds a special place in my heart. Many years ago I learned firsthand the need for proper nutrition during a serious illness. It’s a great opportunity to be able to help sick people during their most needy times.” Today, operating from a state-of-the-art facility on 20th Street in Philadelphia, MANNA has a staff of more than 30, a full commercial kitchen and a fleet of trucks that bring warm and nourishing food to our ill neighbors in Southeastern Pennsylvania and Southern New Jersey. Three meals a day…seven days a week…52 weeks a year – MANNA’s care and concern defies borders and boundaries to reach out to those at acute nutritional risk due to their illnesses. Each month we deliver 95,000 meals to those who struggle with serious diseases. |